Monday, September 28, 2009

tat me now please

What is it about music? What gets us to the extreme to stand up and raise our hands? That feeling that goes from your heart to your hands to your feet. When sitting is not enough. The body you were given needs to move. It wants to move. The feeling of almost being overwhelmed but not just yet. When you want to escape and you can just by raising your hands up in glory and honor. How can I describe that sensation that surges through your bones and veins. I can't do it. I can't describe the feeling I have where I feel as if I am touching God. He is physically grabbing all of me and saying its ok my daughter I love you. I love you unconditionally. I saw my mom have that feeling inside her even though she wasn't in church worshiping God. I saw her worship through all her actions displayed. I saw the unconditional love had on her. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!! UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!! I want that. I have that given to me every day, every minute, every split second I am given here on earth and that love will continue in heaven. And that is why I want unconditional love written on me permanently on my body until I die. This isn't to remind me because I get reminded of it every day, every minute, every split second I am given here on earth. I want it to remind others. I want others to ask me. This isn't my way of getting out of formal evangelism but this only one to evangelize.

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