Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I'm impressed with life sometimes.

Simplicity. I often forget that the more simplest things can bring so much joy. The problem of this is unknown but I tend to get so stuck into the bigger picture of things or I even get stuck on the wrong things. Usually the best thing that happens is that the joy of something simply gets my attention and I get so hooked on it.
I live across the street from a Baptist church. The church is always busy most days and I think the only day that it isn't is Friday. I'm usually the one who is shoveling the driveway or just spending some time outside. I have run into one of the care takers of the church a few times. The first time we had an encounter we got talking about the snow and he then told me he would plow my driveway and the sidewalk when he does the church. He told me he would look out for me. Now whenever we are both outside we chat. I had to to bring the trash can back to the house and he saw me do it...he told me "girl, you gotta let me know...I would of done it." I remind you the man is in his upper 50s.
The most simple conversations we have.
He has made my day a handful of times and I do not know why he offers his assistance. It is bizarre to me.
Time. In a matter of time most things get resolved or closer to the truth. I am not sure how this happens to be very honest but time heals most wounds. It's been almost 9 months since I have seen my best friend. I might be getting the chance to see her in two weeks. When I heard the possibility of her coming I cried a bit. I was so overwhelmed with happiness that I didn't know what to do. It was as if my prayers were answered. Some things aren't as infinite as we think.
This winter has been horrible. Snow just falls and falls and falls. Your car gets stuck everywhere you go and numerous of people's rearview mirrors are smashed. Though today the sun is poking through the clouds. The most amazing feeling ever. In time the sun will get brighter and warmer. In time the snow will melt. And in time I will be warm.
Catching up. This past weekend my other best friend bought a megabus ticket and came to see me. I needed her here and she came. The best kind of catching up is when it doesn't feel like catching up. It is simply being together. The best kind of catching up is not realizing it is happening. The worst kind of catching up is realizing it is happening and its a bit painful. I remember it taking years for my heart to catch up to my mind when my mom passed away. When I realized that is what needed to happen to begin healing...it was terrifying because I couldn't push or force it. When it is your heart doing the catching up it is very hard to accomplish this because it takes time and taking everything in a simple matter.
Understanding. In most situations understanding is like the rays of the sun. Once you understand it your mind seems to clear the clouds. My cat has been a very difficult one to understand. Her meows have no difference between wanting to play, eat, or be petted. However, I discovered something. I understood one of her meows. Its kinda of an annoying bone chilling meow. I hate it. At random I decided to pick her up and hold her like a baby. She stopped meowing completely and calmed down. She wanted to be held...I understand. At PineRest (mental health hospital) most of the time I do not understand the patients. I do not understand why they are acting the way they are. Until I remove myself from the situation and I decide to read their bio, I soon discover if I put myself in their shoes...I might understand a little bit more. Their irrational actions and words soon start to become understandable. And then work suddenly becomes a bit easier.
Not understanding a situation is a huge missing puzzle piece. Once that piece is found we might be able to create sympathy or even empathy. We might begin to act in a different way so that the other person feels better. We might decide to change our behavior.

I'm impressed by life sometimes. It may sound weird but I really I'm. The way experience, trail and error, and a simple love can change everything. When something horrible happens it is like life couldn't get harder. It couldn't possibly be worse then this and then it does. However, when time passes we gain something. We can skill and experience. Even if we don't handle the situation well or if we do...we learn. We learn from it and taking what we can get from it. I'm always sadden when I look back into the past and I see how I first responded to situations. I always think I could of done better. I could of cried less or I could of said less cuss words etc. I'm impressed...I'm impressed with the cycles of life and the unending lessons. I am impressed with friends and their incredible dedication. I'm impressed with strangers and how they can show us the most simplest things.

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