Monday, September 28, 2009

Digging or Standing?

For the first time I'm not that nervous. In a week or so I start school in a new state. I will be somewhere where I know no one. I have no one to run to just yet. i'm not nervous. I am not thinking about the "ifs". my mind is at peace. I'm relaxed and my face isn't breaking out like normal. For the first time I'm not freaking out about life. I am officially at ease. God is a wonderful god. I'm about get into something where i have to make decision after decision. These decisions will affect after college ends. I know that my attitude might change a bit when i am faced with things face to face but right now I will soak in this attitude as long as I can. Most of you who know me know that I do not have this attitude. I tend to be a complainer and freak out about the big things. i'm know to be a very laid-back person but if you really know me you would know that I can be very opposite of that. Life has thrown curve ball after curve at me and I have reacted slightly the same every time but with a twist of a new reaction. I have learned that shutting down isn't the right thing to do. I have learned that complaining about it never helps. I have learned acting like it never happened does not work at all, especially in the long run. I have learned that talking directly to God and no one else is the best method. Asking God what to do then mediating THEN getting it out of my system and talking to someone is the best method. Keeping a solid and steady relationship with God provides smooth sailing. I have learned a lot this summer. For the past years God has taught me lessons and this summer He tested me. I think I pasted with an 83%. Which I think is pretty good. In my room there is this poster that i made that lists all the the lessons I have learned from the past 2 years. I left it at home. I left the past behind me to learn new lessons and build on the old ones. Life is good when you accept the responsibilities in life. Life is good when you accept the lessons that are taught. Digging your heels in will only have your heels in the dirt. Standing tall with your hand in God's hand will allow you to run with only dirt on your feet instead of dirt all over your body.
the end

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