Monday, September 13, 2010

Whoever is praying for me out there is really coming through.

Life would be a lot better if we all had that power to be content about anything. When I first got to school I felt all the problems I would have to face during this school year. It was like when you get into the ocean and you know there are going to be waves. The thing is you turn your head towards shore because something just seems so interesting on shore. Once you turn your head back to the direction of the waves, they hit you in the face. Knocking you to your feet, you are perpelxed that at the exact moment you turn your head, you get hit by a big wave. That is what it felt like coming back to school. My head was turned to the shore the entire summer. I forgot about what was waiting for me on the other side. I'm standing in the waters of life. There is smootth sand on the feet but occasionally there is that rock that you step on or that hole you walk into. The water is warm and comforting. Some waves are small and doable while others are huge and problematic. If you aren't ready for the wave it will destroy you. Some days the waves are bigger than the other days. There are seasons of just plain flatness. Right now I keep looking back at home and seeing all the good. When I keep my focus on home, I keep getting smashed with waves.
Home provided limited problems but it also provided limited growth. I know here that I will be stretched thin. Here I will be used in a entirely different way. Back home I made friendships with people that were like me. We almost dress the same...listen to the same music...see God the same...smoke some tobacco pipe once in awhile...back home I see smooth warm sand with a towel and arizona ice. Here I see mounds of waves crashing.
I found this verse during the summer

Proverbs 16

1 To man belong the plans of the heart,
but from the LORD comes the reply of the tongue.

2 All a man's ways seem innocent to him,
but motives are weighed by the LORD.

3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do,
and your plans will succeed.

4 The LORD works out everything for his own ends—
even the wicked for a day of disaster.

I did a devotional on this during my Mexico was weird how I did it. If you know me really well, you would know that I usually plan out what I have to say in my head...almost about anything that will have good or bad ending situations. The big stuff. I usually write down a few things and I don't say anything that I didn't write down. This devotional I did, I prepared for a minute then went sleep. The next morning I gave it and I taught myself.

God 100% spoke through me. No doubt about that. He knew that someone needed to hear this verse and I was going to be his vessel.

Once we rely on God, His plans develop into ours. Trust, obey, and be content. Trust in is power. Believe He is all loving.

I'm having a hard time getting back in the swing of things but I'm safe to say...I'm getting there. Whoever is praying for me out there is really coming through.

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