Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I will fight for you sanity...

To Focus I need to get it out. To study for this test I need to get the emotion out. So many questions and so many answers of "I dunno". Well, I want to know many things. Things of why you chose this and not that. Why you are on this path and not me? Why did you struggle so much and not speak out? why couldn't I of helped you? Putting me in a useless spot. I want to be the shoulder for you to cry on and the comfort arms of a hug. I want wipe away the tears when you cry. I want to be home so I can drive to you and visit you. The wants are endless and yet they help nothing. My mind spins around in the wants, it cannot settle for a moment. Would you be semi ok if she had lived? Would you be chasing your dreams and living in love? If she had lived...would have been ok? The choice was yours and the choice was mine. I want to remove the confusion and the diffusion of comfort in your life. I have not felt these feelings for a long time. The emotion that is so helpless in a tragic and dramatic situation. I hoped to be your support. Did I take too long to get better? Was I too late? Could I have talked some sense into you? What if I wasn't so cold and broken...could I then? I want you to be ok. I want to fight for you to be ok. I want to make sure you are ok. Distance will not stop me from fighting for you.
Most of all I'm angry at you and your choices. The first person to let me down entirely is the first person who seemed to understand me. I will fight for you sanity...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I have Creation on the Mind

There are moments in our lives when we realize we are happy. I'm experiencing the greatest time in my life so far. Feelings that aren't overwhelming but just right. Life comes and then goes. I'm talking about the life we were given but when we finally realize what living is. When you see creation as truly fantastic, every part of it is inspiring. I was in the sun on Friday. It was warm and so wonderful. It hit my body with such heat...the right amount of it. It wasn't too hot to the point where I would burn to death or too cold where I would freeze to death. The sun is a powerful piece of creation. Today, Sunday, I sit in my room where outside it is raining to all extremity and there is lighting and thunder coinciding with it. Its like they are making music together...a performance piece. The rain patters loudly while the thunder cracks at the right time and then the lighting flashes at the peak of the performance. When you notice how God works in your life, how he formed the events and people in your life, you notice how creation sings to you. Creation worships God like it is a job. They are living...the act of living for them is their job. I might sound to in depth in my mind but when I start to look at man made isn't beautiful. The rain that pours is beautiful...the shower isn't. The both bring goodness but rain is so powerful. It brings growth to the brings growth which brings oxygen. This goes on and on.
I have creation on my mind because I am starting to get used to seeing God's power in my life to be so radiant and I am looking outside my life and seeing his glory in other's people's I am looking outside my life and into creation, the beginning of his power to us. This is life...we analyze so many stupid situations, why can't we analyze creation for once. It works in so much order...why can't we recognize that the same why it works in order our life does the same? Why? There wasn't two different gods...just one and He created both our lives and creation's life. He has control over the mountains and sharks...why can't he have control over your life as well?